Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Got an Angel to my left and a Devil on my shoulder.......

As I prepare myself for my midterms or just the homework load in general, I find it harder and harder to stay awake to study. The moment I open a book or begin studying, you can basically "stick a fork in me-I'm DONE!"  So, what is the trick?  How do people do it?  I have yet to learn what it takes.  I know that I have to do better, but I cannot seem to motivate myself or discipline myself to do better.  How can I stay up when I am dog-tired?  Coffee and caffeinated products do not seem to help anymore.  I have built a tolerance level to both.  I was reading some tips online and the passage gave some strategies for staying up in order to complete an assignment.

1.  Exercise
2.  Eat good foods while studying.
3.  Drink water while studying.
4.  Do something to increase blood flow.
5.  Do not sit in a comfortable place.
6.  Take breaks in between studying time.

My biggest problem is convincing myself that I need a nap.  I hate whenever I do this because I accomplish nothing.  I hope to improve my studying habits, so I can improve my grades.

1 comment:

  1. yeah I am in the same boat I am having a lot of diffuculty actually to bring myself to study, especially when there are so many things going on around us.
