Sunday, March 14, 2010

Maybe blog # 6

Maybe I should change my major. I'm afraid that my dream of becoming a pediatric oncologist is diminishing. I took less hours this semester to focus on chemistry, but most of my time is spent on English this semester. I feel like I know most of the material in chemistry, but the tests show just the opposite. I am not improving. I so not understand why. I feel like I'm majoring in English. The work load has completely double and I feel lost and unorganized. I feel like I am struggling in this class. I don't know what to do anymore. I thought about taking summer classes to compensate for the fewer number of hours I have taken this semester, but at this point, I don't know if I want to. I'm thinking that maybe business of psychology may be of interest to me. I like the thought of being someone else's boss. I think that I could be a good leader and communicator. My aunt is a vice president of a major company. She lives very comfortably. She has her master's in business. She just got another promotion and the company is buying her a car. She got to pick out whatever she wanted. She picked out a black BMW convertible. There is none around here and it is being shipped in from another state! How awesome would that be? I know that is a lot of hard work, but at least chemistry would be out of the question. Psychology is interesting to me because I find myself trying to figure out what others are thinking. It is interesting to know how others think too. Maybe I should take the summer and do some serious thinking. It might give me a chance to do some more maturing and get my stuff straight. I just want everything to fall into place. College is really difficult for me.

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