Sunday, March 14, 2010

Maybe blog # 5

Maybe the world just needs to be positive. Maybe the world needs to stop making excuses for things that have to be earned with a little hard work and TLC.

I was reading a headline on AOL news about a woman with six children. Five of her six have autism. Her kids have conquered there battles. For a parent with a child that has a disability, it is their goal to make sure the child can overcome or even get cured for the obstacles that may come with a diagnosis. Defeat Autism Now doctors or DAN doctors work to treat autistic individuals. The article said that the treatment involved making the kids stay on liquid diets. The treatment also makes the children take a bunch of shots and suppositories to rid their bodies of certain elements. The treatment seems worst than coping with the condition. The mother of six says that she treated them normal. She did take her children to speech and physical therapies several times a week to help them overcome their different obstacles. She sent them to school just like every normal child. One of her children had to be held back after completing kindergarten. The mother told her child why she could not advance to the next level. She could not read. The child was empowered by the reason. She taught herself and learned really quickly. She was even more advanced than her peers after that. Maybe the only cure to autism is to instill values, disciplines, and motives in the children with this "disability." Working harder for something is more valuable than disposing of potential. What causes autism? Autism is a neurological disorder that affects communication social behavior. Some people believe that the environment, vaccines, and pesticides can cause autism. However, none of these causes are probable.|hp-laptop|dl3|link2|

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